View Full Version : Fast image plotting and display

6th December 2008, 10:41
There are two threads .One GUI thread which displays pixmap.Worker thread which paints on a image and send the QImage to gui thread as signal(emit finished(QImage)).The GUI thread converts the QImage to pixmap and then displays(same as mandelbrot example).This method consumes time(converting QImage to Pixmap).

I only want to paint the pixmap(no pixel manipulation).So will it be better to paint a pixmap in the worker thread and convert it to QBytearray and send that through signal(QPixmap cant be used here since it is not thread-safe).If so ,which format of image to use to convert the QPixmap to Bytearray(since QT supports BMP,GIF,JPG,JPEG,PNG,PBM,PGM,PPM,XBM,XPM) .I use RHEL(red hat linux).

6th December 2008, 13:29
You can't operate on pixmaps in worker threads. Formats of images don't matter anywhere, QImage stores its data in the same format regardless of the original file format. Same with QPixmap, by the way.