View Full Version : Display problem with a custom widget over one another

11th April 2006, 15:25
Hi !

I have two custom widgets woth same size and position. The last created widget is over the other. When I'm trying to display separatly each widget, only the last created one appears, never the other, why ? I tryed using a widget stack but I have the same problem and don't understand why.

How could I do to be ble to display each widget ?

Thanks in advance for the help you will provide me.

11th April 2006, 16:24
Support question by some code pls :)

11th April 2006, 19:07
Widget stack is especially meant for showing one widget at time. You add a bunch of widgets in a stack and then you change one of them visible at time.
If you want to show a number of widgets next to each other, use layouts (grid/box..)

12th April 2006, 08:20
Hi everybody,

In fact I found two functions raise() and lower(). To be sure the widget I want to show is not covered by another widget I call the function raise() just after each call of show(), and I call lower() each time I call hide() and this works fine.

I should have tryed to use the widget stack object instead because it's quite the same behaviour but my solution takes only two line and this time I was a bit lazy :o

I thank you all for the precious and usefull help you provide me.