View Full Version : Cannot load SQLITE driver on clean target

14th December 2008, 22:06
New to this forum

I own X11 and Win commercial licenses.

I have developed a simple application that includes a minor database.
I have targeted both X11 and Windows.

I have built and tested on windows using both the console and VS2005. Now I am trying to deploy on a windows (XP) that does not have QT installed and I am unable to load (addDatabase). The error returned is "Driver not loaded".

I have tried several approaches to this problem:
QT suggests "create the plugins subdirectory and copy over the relevant DLLs"

OK, no difference. "qApp->addLibraryPath("...path\to\plugins");"
Again no difference.

LIBS += -LC:/Qt/4.2.2/plugins/sqldrivers -lqsqlite
QTPLUGIN += qsqlite
to the .pro

etc. etc. etc.

I tried re-compiling the QT tree with the sqlite driver
qmake config:
OBJECTS_DIR = tmp\obj\release_shared
MOC_DIR = tmp\moc\release_shared
RCC_DIR = tmp\rcc\release_shared
sql-drivers += sqlite
styles += windows plastique cleanlooks windowsxp motif cde
imageformat-plugins += jpeg
CONFIG += minimal-config small-config medium-config large-config full-config release incremental create_prl link_prl depend_includepath
QMAKESPEC = C:\Qt\4.2.2\mkspecs\win32-msvc2005
ARCH = windows
QT_BUILD_TREE = C:\Qt\4.2.2
QT_SOURCE_TREE = C:\Qt\4.2.2
QMAKE_MOC = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/moc.exe
QMAKE_UIC = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/uic.exe
QMAKE_UIC3 = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/uic3.exe
QMAKE_RCC = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/rcc.exe
QMAKE_DUMPCPP = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/dumpcpp.exe

This was supposed to include the driver in the core lib (i believe) but has no effect.

I'm out of ideas and very frustrated. It must be something simple.
I could use a hand...

15th December 2008, 00:49
THANKS Grimlock

I never would have thought of this. I tried plugins/sqldrivers but not ./sqldrivers.

your comment: "Ok i got it running the qsqlite.dll needs to be an folder named sqldrivers. And all is fine" :cool: ended my hours long trial and fail.:cool: