View Full Version : Bug in my project

20th December 2008, 21:44
Hello all,

I have many bug in my project.
download: http://dl.free.fr/uk2NOgWXo

-Initialization of main window, bars, menus and actions
-functions in relation of files
-functions to move the mode
-functions in relation with the generation and the verification of the word
-functions in relation with QDialog: window addWord , configuration board...
-functions in relation of the documentation and the window about
-function aleatoire(=random)


-Picture in label doesn't show

Thanks in advance for your advice about my code.


21st December 2008, 07:10
yep, you have a lot of bugs. :)
firts of all create all objects as QAction, QGridLayout, QGroupBox, QLabel, QLineEdit, QProgressBar, QWidget, QStringListModel and QTableView, i.e. all widgets and actions and also models, in heap (i.e. allocate them using the new operator).

the second, I saw that you try to use your own internacinalization method, you are inventing a wheel :). you don need to do this by youshelf, Qt supply internatinalizations tools, just look this lik Internationalization (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/i18n.html).

the third, I did not find images in 'images' dir, so I could not load it. anyway, you should use Qt's resources to build in images in executable or load it dynamicly.