View Full Version : rsslisting example

21st December 2008, 00:34
Ive noticed something strange in the rss listing example(http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/xml-rsslisting-rsslisting-cpp.html)

readyread signal of http object is connected to readdata slot:

connect(&http, SIGNAL(readyRead(const QHttpResponseHeader &)),
this, SLOT(readData(const QHttpResponseHeader &)));

when debugging the application; after http.get(url.path()) is called once,
readyRead signal is emitted "twice"..requestFinished signal is also emitted twice..

Can anybody give me an explanation about that situation...


21st December 2008, 02:38
I am using version 4.4.0 . when googling i found on http://trolltech.com/developer/changes/changes-4.4.1 that:

- QHttp
* [193738] Fixed a bug that would make QHttp continue reading the
HTTP server's response and emit a readyRead() signal even if
abort() had already been called.

I think the problem is related with that bug..