View Full Version : Placing the executable in the current directory, rather than /release?

4th January 2009, 23:43
For Windows, is there some way to change the .pro file to have 'make' place the executable in the current directory rather than a /debug or /release directory?

5th January 2009, 06:21
in pro-file you need to add:

DESTDIR = path/to/needed/dir

5th January 2009, 20:05
Thank you, DESTDIR = ./ worked.

Although the main.o file is still placed in the /release directory. Is the creation of the release and debug directories, and placing of main.o in the release directory, something that can't be changed?

5th January 2009, 21:55
See qmake manual: OBJECTS_DIR (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qmake-variable-reference.html#objects-dir).