View Full Version : QProcess::finished problems again

23rd January 2009, 16:47
Hello there,
I also have problems with the "finished()" SIGNAL of the QProcess class.
My development environment is:
Qt 4.4.3 + Eclipse on Windows XP

I created a basic gui application that has the following instructions in the constructor:

connect(&process, SIGNAL(started()),
this, SLOT(onProcessStarted ()));
connect(&process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),
this, SLOT(onProcessReadyReadStandardError ()));
connect(&process, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
this, SLOT(onProcessReadyReadStandardOutput ()));
connect(&process, SIGNAL(finished(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)),
this, SLOT(onProcessFinished ( int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus )));

"process" is a QProcess variable defined in the class definition.

The external process is started, when I click a button, with:

process.start(s); // s is a QString containing file name such as "notepad"

My problem is that all SIGNALs are correctly emitted excepted the "finished()" one.

When executing in debug mode, debugger generates the following message:
warning: Object::connect: No such signal QProcess::finished(int exitCode,QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus)

Thanks for any idea.


23rd January 2009, 20:09
You must not put parameter names but only types to the connect() statement.

23rd January 2009, 21:43
Shame on me! :o

Thank you so much!
