View Full Version : Problem accesing widgets

5th February 2009, 20:33
Hi, I'm really new to QT and c++ and was doing something with QTcreator I designed a ui, and I tried to put some functionality in it by modifiyng the cpp from the ui.

#include "cliente.h"
#include "ui_cliente.h"
#include "QDialogButtonBox"

Cliente::Cliente(QWidget *parent)
: QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::ClienteClass)


QString text = ui->direccionLE->text();

connect(ui->conectarB, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(accion()));


void accion(){
QString text = ui->direccionLE->text();


delete ui;


The problem is that I can't acces say (QString text = ui->direccionLE->text();) in the function accion because ui is not declared in that scope, I know this might be a really stupid question, bur how do I acces widgets from the ui in a function (lineedits, comboboxes, ...)

Thanks for your patience

5th February 2009, 22:26
void accion() {
QString text = ui->direccionLE->text();


You are defining here a global finction wich has nothing to do with your class Cliente.

You should do it like this:

void Cliente::accion() {
QString text = ui->direccionLE->text();

Notice that "Cliente::" before "accion()", in simple way - it's necessary to tell that your accion() is from Cliente class (I hope you declared it in class declaration...)

Anyway, these are basics of C++ language so get some C++ book/tutorial.

5th February 2009, 23:30
Thank you very much.

now everything builds and compiles fine but...

void Cliente::accion(){
ui->direccionLE->setText("Some Text");

when I try my code it does't seem to change the values in the ui, why's that?

6th February 2009, 06:02
what do u mean by "try my code" ?

You have connected accion with ui->conectarB. Are you pressing the button ?

6th February 2009, 12:14
Ok, by try I mean, when I execute the code and press the button connected to the function nothing changes in the QlineEdits and labesl that are supposed to change.