View Full Version : Is there any model for calendar?

9th February 2009, 05:36
The QCalendarWidget does not meet most of our requirements in appearance or weeks, So i want to implement a custom calendar use QTableView and QAbstractItemModel , just like QCalendarWidget does ( QCalendarView, QCalendarModel and QCalendarDelegate area used in this calss but are not provided to users ).
So, is there any suggestions about how to implement the model, or is there any exiting model for this purpose?

9th February 2009, 08:25
Take the sources of QCalendarModel, copy them and modify to suit your needs.

9th February 2009, 09:04
Take the sources of QCalendarModel, copy them and modify to suit your needs.

I tried and find it complicated to copy. Why does not Qt provide it?

9th February 2009, 09:57
Because Qt is not a software provider. Nor can it develop customize solutions for every person.

It has given you a beautiful framework. It has given you some ready to eat snacks.
But if you want something special, you need to cook yourself. Qt has given you the ingredients :)

16th February 2009, 22:22
I tried and find it complicated to copy.

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, compile, find first error, correct, compile, find first error, and so on. It probably uses P-IMPL but it should be easy to get rid of it in this particular case.