View Full Version : Qt Creator: The process could not be started!

9th February 2009, 18:36
I am using the QT Creator 0.9.2 RC1 under Windows. Since I modified my .pro file for better organisation of my output files everytime when I try to start my program out of the IDE the Qt Creator starts to compile it again, freezes a while, then outputs: "The process could not be started!".

Heres my pro file:

# -------------------------------------------------
# Project created by QtCreator 2009-02-06T01:28:15
# -------------------------------------------------
TARGET = uglyviewer
UI_DIR = tmp
MOC_DIR = tmp
SOURCES += src/uglyviewer.cpp \
HEADERS += src/uglyviewer.h
FORMS += ui/uglyviewer.ui
RESOURCES += res/resource.qrc

debug {
DESTDIR = bin/debug/
OBJECTS_DIR = tmp/debug/
RCC_DIR = tmp/debug/

release {
DESTDIR = bin/release/
OBJECTS_DIR = tmp/release/
RCC_DIR = tmp/release/

Starting the program normally i.e not out of the IDE works fine.

9th February 2009, 21:56
Have you tried to delete *.pro.user file (this one generated automatically by QtCreator for storing it's configuration for the project)? QtCreator may try to reference files from old .pro.user file, probably moved by you to another location.

7th July 2009, 15:57
I have the same problem when I upgrade QT creator from Qt0.9 to Qt1.2
Did you find a solution?
if I try to run from the GUI (of Qtcreator) I got "The process could not be started!" this is because the exe file is in the directory /debug and it is calling it in /release.
If after the build I move the file manually. it is then working.
But this mean I have to move the file every time.

I tried to add this to the .pro but no effect:

debug {
LIBS += -L./debug
} else:release {
LIBS += -L./release

Can anybody help??

7th July 2009, 16:05
Have you tried going into Projects mode, going into the Run Settings tab, and then on the Run Configuration clicking the "+" button and selecting your executable there? This seemed to resolve the problem for me. :)


7th July 2009, 17:05
I managed to fix it by:

erase all make files and debug files and also the .pro file (I had to save the configuration of this .pro) also the ".project"
well i erase almost everything except my ".cpp" and .h" files


Use command line : "qmake -project" to recreate the .pro file

and rebuild everthing inside qt creator
which remade all make file and other stuff.

and it is working now. and it is now calling the right directory /debug for the .exe

24th September 2009, 03:31
Thanks for the hint codeslicer. I was also having the same problem since upgrading to 1.2.
I wonder why Qt Creator can't find the output exe now...