View Full Version : How to display floating point values in LCDNumber control ?

20th April 2006, 10:39
I need to display floating point values from 0.0 to 100 like

0.0, 0.1,0.2 ....

I am trying to use display(double) in QLCDNumber class...

But it will not make any effect .

20th April 2006, 10:52
What does "has no effect" mean in this case?
Can't you see no lcd number widget at all? Doesn't the number widget show a correct number? Have you changed the numDigits property?

20th April 2006, 11:03
QLCDNumber uses ints. You have to set an integer and use setSmallDecimalPoint() to set the decimal point. You can't use doubles directly.

20th April 2006, 11:21
Sorry, I don't mean like that ..

As u said , I try to change the numDigit property.

I can't chane the value at runtime by using the function display() in QLCDNumber class .