View Full Version : Compiling in Windows

11th February 2009, 10:46
Hi guys.

I am new to Qt as well as this forum.

I have just installed Qt by downloading the latest version(Qt4.3.3 with Mingw)

It was a exe file and hence i did not do much while installing.

If i wanted to execute this program, say http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/tutorial-t1.html ,
Where should i put the file and how can i compile it and where can i see the result??

I am complete newbie, i dont have any idea about where to place the files for compilation or where i can find a .exe file.

Hopefully, someone can reply.

11th February 2009, 11:40
First, the latest version of Qt is 4.4.3.

After you have installed Qt you should find a new entry in the start menu, in it you will find a link to "Qt Command Prompt". This will start a shell with the environment all set up to compile Qt applications.

You can put the file in any folder you want, then go to the command prompt and change to that folder. There you have to type

qmake -project

as is said in the tutorial. The created .exe will be placed somewhere below the folder you are in, depending on what was specified in the .pro file.

11th February 2009, 16:07
thanks for replying.

I have one more question.

When i used the Qt designer, and when i save the project, i get a file with .ui extension.

How can i get a .exe of that??

11th February 2009, 17:57
Pleas read Using a Component in Your Application.

14th February 2009, 08:56
I think that the best way to approach Qt for a Newbie is to use Qt Creator which contains all what you need.
