View Full Version : QFile locks debug environment in QThread

12th February 2009, 02:40
I am using Qt4 libraries in V3.5.4 KDevelop and I am having a general debugging issue.

I have a QFile instance in a subclassed QThread, and have noticed that whenever I try to debug step over a QFile method, the debugger completely freezes. I have tried stepping over said function calls and even stepping into said function calls, and the debugger freezes.

Below is how I am using my code.

class MyQThread : public QThread

QFile * file;

MyQThread::MyQThread(QObject * parent) : QThread(parent)
file = NULL;

void MyQThread::run()
bool doneReading;
while (running) {
/* get file if null */
if (!file) {
QString path = getPathToFile();
file = new QFile(path);
if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { /* !! FREEZES HERE !! */
delete file; /* never enters here */
file = NULL;

/* never gets to here */
doneReading = readSomeFileData(file);

if (doneReading) {
delete file;
file = NULL;

I am pretty sure there are no open file desciptors on the files I am attempting to open b/c I have tested this code after rebooting the machine and manipulating the files in no way. Also, I have verified that I am getting the correct path.

Are there any funny quirks about using QFile in a QThread and not the main GUI thread?

Thanks in advance.

12th February 2009, 07:20
well, i have tried an example and i can say for sure that u can use QFile in a subclass of QThread. Here is the code i used:

void MyThread::run()
bool doneReading;

file = new QFile("C:\\Documents and Settings\\am002bh\\Desktop\\practice.pro");
if (!file->open(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))

QTextStream out(file);
out << "The magic number is: " << 49 << "\n";


issue must be somewhere else