View Full Version : Optaining information from a DLL

14th February 2009, 05:30

I want to work on a project that contacts a dll to accept the information it holds and prints it.

I am still new to dll's and Qt.

can somebody tell me what information should i collect before beginning the project as well as the software and languages that i need to know and learn?

I also want to know how I can add my own code to the .ui file that I have created using Qt designer. (For e.g. When i press the push button, i need to get the data from a dll. I need to link the push button instance to my code.)

Coding in c++ is easier or python for this particular project?

thanks in advance. :)

14th February 2009, 05:48
DLL is a dynamic LINK library..which means that it allows to link dynamically to the functions u call..u need to study about the different between dll and lib files..thats the most basic thing..u need to know the meta object system in qt..thats a good starting point

from there u can learn how to connect click event of a button to one of ur functions or functions of other libraries(dlls)..for this, all u need is to install qt and use qt assistant..that should solve most of ur issues

14th February 2009, 05:58
thanks mate. will learn the things soon!