View Full Version : QtJambi QWebPage.linkHovered signal not emitting String parameters

18th February 2009, 13:31
What I did:
Called these two lines of code:

ui.webView.page().linkHovered.connect(this, "handleHoveredLink(String, String, String)");
ui.webView.page().linkHovered.connect(this, "handleHoveredLink()");

Thus connecting to these two functions:

public void handleHoveredLink(String link, String title, String textContent) {
if (link == "aha") {

public void handleHoveredLink() {
String text = "Mouse isn't hovering over any link element.";

Now having a web site loaded containing this line:
<p><a href="page2.html" title="works not as expected">The Link Text</a></p>

What I expected to see:
I'd expect that when entering the <a> link area, so hovering that link, the connected function "public void handleHoveredLink(String link, String title, String textContent)" would be called. But it won't.

What I got instead:
Always the connected function "public void handleHoveredLink()" will be called. This way I never receive info about the hovered link.
The function "public void handleHoveredLink()" is also called when leaving the link, which is absolutely ok.

Also the comment explaining the "linkHovered" signal in the docs is somewhat inconclusive. It tells:

"[...] Method is emitter with both empty parameters when the mouse isn't hovering over any link element." What does that mean? Which both parameters; there are three parameters!


Does anyone know about this problem and even better a way how to solve it?

