View Full Version : Inserting Images in the form

21st February 2009, 00:36
Hi I am a newbie in QT

I am using visual studio 2008 for programming with QT 4.4.3

I am facing a problem. I need to insert an image in the form

I create a QLabel and then go to its property and click on pixmap but in the resources there is nothing and VS does not give me an option to choose images from the computer

Can someone help me out in this regard

21st February 2009, 07:19
why dont u use setPixmap() on QLabel..why be so dependent on Designer?

21st February 2009, 12:16

well it's your choice to set the pixmap from the designer or the source code by setPixmap but there should be an option that lets you to choose a file from your computer. Anyway if it's not there, maybe Qt had a problem with the extension or type of the file.