View Full Version : debugging in QT Creator

21st February 2009, 06:26
is debugging not reliable at all in QT Creator? i mean, its taking hell long time to just load, i m sitting here waiting that it'll reach the first statement in main(), but it just doesnt.. any way to resolve this?

21st February 2009, 07:58
Qt Creator debugger is young let QT Creator developers enhance it :)

Generally Debug Executable are slow cause they contains many other informations, there is also a FAQ on this


1. Edit your qt\mkspecs\win32-msvc.net\qmake.conf file
2. Where it states -MDd change it to be -MD
3. Go into your qt directory
4. Do configure -redo
5. nmake

Giuseppe Bonfa'

21st February 2009, 18:47
i m sure it is my friend :) i just wanted to know if it really is slow or cuz of sm mistake i made..its still a wonderful product..kudows to QT guys!

22nd February 2009, 06:50
eheh yep is naturally slow :), and var watcher need some improvement, but Qt Creator is a great great product and surely in the next updates will be more and more faster ;)