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23rd February 2009, 20:46
hi guy ...
i make interface with in the operation on image with matlab do some *.m file ...

but the problem is.... HOW merge code qt(c++) & m file gnerate from Matlab ...

sorry for my english ... :o

24th February 2009, 05:52
You should be able to merge Matlab with Qt in the same way that you would normally merge it with C++. There is some good tutorials on this topic, can't find it now. You will start a matlab instance from your code and from there on you can pass values to the interpreter and read values back from the interpreter. You can also run the .m script in the interpreter and then get the results back.

Hope this helps.

24th February 2009, 08:55
How can i configure qtcreator for run all file... matlab use mbuild for compile

how change the compiler from g++ to mbuild ??

24th February 2009, 15:27
guy it's important please help me ...

24th February 2009, 15:39
As far as i know Qt Creator knows only works with GNU compiler.

24th February 2009, 15:41
In English

therefore on I can use matlab with qt?:crying:

24th February 2009, 17:44
It's not the greatest solution in the world, but the instrument control toolbox allows for TCP communication, so if nothing else, you should be able to use sockets to communicate between your Qt app and Matlab.

24th February 2009, 19:34
and if i create executables files an call with qt... i use matlab for manage the image segmentation restauration color to gray

system("nameFile parameter1 parameter2");

.... contonue code....