View Full Version : QFtp appending of files

1st March 2009, 07:39
I'm uploading a file using QFtp. But if the file already exists the put method overwrites it.
How can I append to the existing file without overwriting it?
This is needed for Pause operation during upload process. Also for continuing upload when the internet connection was lost.

1st March 2009, 08:58
Does the server support such operation?

1st March 2009, 09:02
AFAIK all servers support this operation(APPE - append to a remote file)

1st March 2009, 09:41
So did you issue the right command to the server (a raw command probably)?

1st March 2009, 10:02
I've tried to send a raw command APPE. But it doesn't work so simple. Should I search an another library for ftp or can I use Qt for this purpose?

2nd March 2009, 08:37
I don't think Qt has built in support for APPE, it only supports STOR, afaik.

2nd March 2009, 09:56
So, I should search for another library that will support this functionality, or modify Qt sources and recompile.

2nd March 2009, 13:34
correct me if i m wrong, but isnt it the server that has to support a particular raw command and not Qt. Qt's job should be just to send a particular command to the server and send the reply back.

2nd March 2009, 15:15
Yes. Server supports all commands. Qt support sending of a raw command APPE, but copying is not performed by sending this command.