View Full Version : qstandarditem how sisplay icon in center?

2nd March 2009, 08:47
i want to display icon in center of qstandarditem,but can't find way to work out ,colund somebody tell me how to do it?

2nd March 2009, 09:27
delegates... delegates :)
calculate the position / rect where you want to draw the icon, and call QItemDelegate::drawDecoration with this modified rect ...
You will also need to adjust ur displayRect aslo might be.

3rd March 2009, 03:25
thank you ,but i do't draw icon, i create standarditem with icon .for example:

qstandarditem testitem=new QStandardItem(iconObject);

how to set the iconObject to center?

3rd March 2009, 06:19
I dont think any of the default views paint the icon in center... they provide left, right, top, bottom... but not center :(
u might need to use delegates..

3rd March 2009, 09:14
I dont think any of the default views paint the icon in center... they provide left, right, top, bottom... but not center :(
u might need to use delegates..

thank you ,let me try it