View Full Version : portability problems?

3rd March 2009, 08:25

I have a question about the portability sending data between Windows and Linux or VxWorks.

I have this qt code to send data from a Windows machine.

QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

QString string = QString(QLatin1String(this->mensajeEnviar.mensaje)) ;
out << (quint16)0;
out <<string;
out << (quint16)(block.size() - sizeof(quint16));




And the datas are arriving well when I use a qt program as receiver, but when i use the following c++ code to read in another machine the datas are not the expected.

// This is a wxworks command and in datagrama_rx char* type receives the sending datas.

if (recvfrom(descriptor, datagrama_rx, SIZE_DATAGRAMA, 0, (sockaddr *)&direccion_origen, &addr_len) !=ERROR)


The problem is that datagrama_rx receives what I was written in block, i think the block.data() but when i do the assignation in mensajeRecibido.mensaje which is a char* too it is not well than and with qt code in windows it was working well.

I dont know if i am forgetting something important. Could somone help me?

Thank you in advance.