View Full Version : Visual Studio Add-in won't install

3rd March 2009, 22:18
I want to use Qt 4.5.0 together with Visual Studio 2008. I downloaded the Library which was precompiled with Mingw. I deleted the allready compiled binaries and recompiled the library and tools with VS 2008 Express. This worked fine.

Then I saw that there is a free Visual Studio plugin. I thought that I have to create a complicated build Enviroment using CMake to get Qt work with Visual Studio before i realised that there is this plugin:)

But when I want to install it say "No Qt package found....blablabla". I am able to continue but I can't check the Add-in during the Installation process.

Where is the installer looking for the Qt Installation? Is there some sort of Enviroment variable I have to set?

4th March 2009, 14:55
The Visual Studio Add-in doesn't install because only Visual Studio supports add-ins.
You have probably only Visual C++ Express installed.
Blame Microsoft. ;-)

Anyway, you don't have to use CMake to build your projects with Visual C++.
You can tell qmake to generate a .vcproj file from your .pro file by calling
qmake -tp vc

4th March 2009, 18:25
I can't blame them for something they give away for free:( Frackin Microsoft!

So I have to stick with qmake -tp vc . I will report back whether it suits my needs.

5th March 2009, 09:00
I can't blame them for something they give away for free:(

which includes indeed a very good compiler and an awesome debugger! :)

6th March 2009, 16:59
Ok it works great. The only thing that does not work is starting my application out of Visual Studio (so debugging does not work, neither).

This is because Visual Studio starts the executable with the project root as working dir. So it does not find the plugins it needs (OGRE3D Plugins, not Qt Plugins). Is there a way (through qmake) to tell Visual Studio to use DESTDIR (qmake Var) as working dir?

6th March 2009, 20:01
You can always use the new Qt Creator that comes with Qt 4.5 . Its all integrated and you can debug and stuff.

6th March 2009, 20:35
You can set the working directory in project properties ("Debugging" page). However, you should not depend on the working directory in the first place. You should use for example QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() and iterate to the plugins folder from there. You know, the current working directory might be almost anything depending on how the application is launched...

6th March 2009, 22:38
I had no issues compiling, running and debugging QT applications using VS C++ 2K8 Express. Here's the tutorial I based off to get everything running out of the box:


First post! QT beginner! Loving it! Hope it becomes the standard framework for cross platform application development!



7th March 2009, 14:01
You can set the working directory in project properties ("Debugging" page). However, you should not depend on the working directory in the first place. You should use for example QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() and iterate to the plugins folder from there. You know, the current working directory might be almost anything depending on how the application is launched...

Thank you that'l work.