View Full Version : QCreator - undefined reference link errors

4th March 2009, 15:42
I'm experimenting with the current release of QCreator, which so far is quite nice. I'm having a qmake issue however.

I have two projects:

1) core - library
2) test_core - console app

The core project includes one class MyClass. My test_core.cpp file simply does this:

MyClass c;

When I build test_core I get undefined symbols. I've added the following to test_core.pro:

LIBS += -L..\core\debug -lcore

But that doesn't make any difference. I'm doing something silly - any ideas?

5th April 2009, 05:58
There is a similar error msg in my project too!
But it's a compiler error: moc_netman.cpp:66: undefined reference to `NetMan::loginServer()'

5th April 2009, 14:07
Did you export the class?