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View Full Version : Qmake 4.5.0

5th March 2009, 10:28
Hello Friends,

I have a strange issue. I have compile my src 4.5.0 without problem under drive D:\.

after finishing I copy my content from d:\Qt_45_shared to C:\Qt\4.5.0.

The two folders are from different computer. So D: is now a CD-Drive.

Now every time I try to run qmake it gives me an error like "Theres no media in drive etc"

Whats going on there??
I had no problems in past versions with actions like this I mentioned.

My environment variables point to path C:\Qt\4.5.0\bin; LIB to C:\Qt\4.5.0\lib INCLUDE to C:\Qt\4.5.0\include etc etc

but qmake generates makefiles with pathes to d:\Qt_45_shared\lib and d:\Qt_45_shared\include etc ?????

5th March 2009, 11:29
Because where it is installed to after compiling. It is hard coded into it. You have to set the installation directory to C:\Qt\4.5.0 or whatever then do nmake install. But you can compile it anywhere. Just don't compiling and install to the same directory or it will mess it up

5th March 2009, 11:34
So what I have to do after copy it to C:\Qt\4.5.0

I use mingw32-make. How can I install a directory Qt I just compile, copy it to other pc and thats it and I change my environment variables...?????

5th March 2009, 12:44
In the install notes from Qt stands that after compiling my qt is installed.

Look to point 5 in the textfile after I compile my src I have installed my stuff automatically.

But can I really don´t copy my lib to another location without some strange adjustment that I don´t figure out at the moment ???

6th March 2009, 10:49
LordQt, please see following link Using qt.conf (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/qt-conf.html). It should help you.

6th March 2009, 11:36
pastor, thank you !