View Full Version : usb connection between a development board and ubuntu linux

5th March 2009, 15:47
Hi everybody !

Iam using qt 3.3.8 on ubuntu 8.10 , i want to transfer a data stream from a development kit to a QT application on ubuntu using a usb cable connection between the development kit and the linux machine.
i dont know whether i need to use a special class or i can do it wilth the Qextserialport library. I need some guidance

6th March 2009, 07:28
Any body who can guide me, iam really stuck

6th March 2009, 07:43
i believe transfer using usb cables would be slow..also currently there is no such support for specifically USB port in Qt as far as i know..perhaps u can consider transferring data using serial port which is supported by Qextserialport...also why are u using such an old version of Qt?

6th March 2009, 08:23
Thanks for the reply , i will rely on the serial port. i use the old QT since i will later be working with an embedded system which uses embeded linux and QT 3.3.6 , its not been update yet since the process of porting all the QT code to QT 4 or later will be very expensive.

But when i tried installing Qetserialport on ubuntu it failed , i dont know how to proceed.
Any guidance on installing it

6th March 2009, 08:58
first of all, i mentioned smth very wrong. USB is much faster than a serial port.. even USB 1.0 was much faster than serial port transfer. But in your case, its important to identify what kind of data u are gonna transfer..if its some kind of debug information, serial port is fine..but if its some real data, use USB ports...but Qt doesn't have any support for it AFAIK..about ur inablility to install, did u download qextserialport compatible with your Qt version?

also i'd suggest u use the laterst Qt for this, just keep it in a different directory than Qt3 and set ur environment variable to point to Qt4.. and porting from qt3 to qt4 isnt that hard or expensive i believe...look at http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/porting4.html

6th March 2009, 09:58
I have installed QT4.4.3 as you recommended in a different directory and its able to run well though the tools are scattered around , there is no action to dock them together.

The installation fails , but when i proceed as follows.

1.qmake qextserialport.pro


it gives an error that :

make: *** [build/obl/qextserialbase.o] Error1 .

I didnt make any changes to the qextserialport.pro , iam i missing something.