View Full Version : serial communication

10th March 2009, 15:09
Hi all,

i got my qt and mfc programs talking via the com port. (using the infamous qextserial...)

one probelm though is that the qt side has a difficulty modifing the properties of the comp port.

i need to use 9600, no parity, 8 , 2 stop, no flow.

i configure my port with these setting but for some reason the connection cannot be made.
to fix this, i open the windows hyperterminal, make a new connection with my settings and then close the connection, my qt application is working fine.
whenever i reboot my computer the connection is lost again and i have to configure a new connection trhough the terminal, disconnect the connection and open the qt connection to work again.

i've tried this trick on qestserial... example on both sides and i get this problem as well.

does someone knows what i'm talking about and maybe how to fix this ?
can someone post a working example please (and not point me the qestserial..)

10th March 2009, 15:22
Sorry not to help but I thought I would mention that I get this problem too. In my case I have to run a different propriety windows program first, then it works fine.

It would be great if you could find a solution to this!
