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View Full Version : Build problem with more then 4 classes

13th March 2009, 14:21
I'm trying to compile a project that has 4 classes (4x .cpp and 4x .h files) but when I add one more class to my project, the whole thing won't compile! I've double checked the names, tried other names, etc. But nothing works.

The compiler exits and tells me he can't find the following files:
> object_script.main
> main.Debug

I'm using Qt Creator 1.0 and Qt 4.5 on a Windows XP machine

Is there some kind of max classes restriction?

13th March 2009, 15:13

show us your .pro file. most likely the error will be there.

14th March 2009, 10:14
After adding new cpp/h files run "qmake -project", then "qmake" and then "make" again.

14th March 2009, 13:30
After adding new cpp/h files run "qmake -project", then "qmake" and then "make" again.

If he's adding the files through Creator then there is no need to do that. And please don't advise people to run qmake -project while in the middle of the development process. This command should (if at all) be ran only once at the very beginning of development, just before the first compilation and never again later.