View Full Version : Rotate Graphicsview and Pixmap in synchro

Qt Coder
18th March 2009, 13:02
Hello all

I have one QHBoxlayout in which I have included one Graphics view which works as a background image for view ,I added one qLabel on this layout in whcih I set a QPixmap image.
The QPixmap image of QLabel is set as top middle image .

Now I want to rotate both QPixmap of label and QGraphicsview in Synchronization .

Its rotating but not in Syncho....

Do I have to rotate both through center??

19th March 2009, 09:58
Please provide a minimal compilable example reproducing the problem.

Qt Coder
19th March 2009, 11:22
I have attached 2 images .

The firstimage is set on QGraphicsscene and second image is QPixmap of QLabel
Background image and set on the top of qGraphicsscene

using QLabel->raise()

Now I want to rotate both imgaes simultaneously ,

Its working but the Qlabel image is ovelrapping on some markings of backround image ,which should not happen.

Pleae help ....

19th March 2009, 12:37
I don't consider an image a "compilable example". Don't expect people to help you if they don't know what you did.