View Full Version : What is this error?

20th March 2009, 13:06
Could you tell me what are these lines of error:

Cannot find file: files\2009.01\qt\mkspecs\win32-g++.
Failure to read QMAKESPEC conf file g:\Program\qmake.conf.
Error processing project file: test.pro
mingw32-make: *** [makefile] Error 3
Exited with code 2.
Error while building project test
When executing build step 'Make'

20th March 2009, 23:25
Something (mingw-make?) doesn't like the spaces in your path. Install Qt to a path without spaces and the problem will go away.

23rd March 2009, 03:52
Hey i checked the path.it's exactly the path that is in my 2009.01 directory I even copy the path and paste it in my explorers address bar and it went to win32-g++
there must be another problem.

Hiker Hauk
23rd March 2009, 04:19

What's before "files" in your path?

"C:\program " ?

23rd March 2009, 06:04
G:\program files\
You mean the problem is the space between program and files

23rd March 2009, 06:12
yes, read carefully Wysota's post again.

Hiker Hauk
23rd March 2009, 06:14
You mean the problem is the space between program and files

Yes. When working with anything that is cross platform, never contain white space in the path or file name.

23rd March 2009, 08:57
It's not about cross-platform. This is a bug in one of the tools.