View Full Version : problem in QProcess() readyReadStandardOutput()

23rd March 2009, 13:31
hi friends,

i am using Qt4
ln #QProcess() i am running glxgears and i want the output to be printed in the textEdit
glxgrears print output every 5sec ... so i use readyReadStandardOutput() signal to slot readOut()

but the problem is after filling the entire buffer QProcess() calls the readOut() slot only after the buffer fills otherwise it takes five minutes and printing it in a heap ..

in Q3Process() there is canReadLineStdout() call but in qt4 which one i can use ...? but more it is emitting readyReadStandardOutput() only after the buffer filled ... so canReadLineStdout()also use less ..
what can i do now ..... please help .....

24th March 2009, 05:01
can i shifted to Q3Process() or is there any other way .... is it possible to flush the buffer and can i try that way ...? .. please help .. it taking 5 minutes to print the update value of a sysstem call glxgears .. only after the current buffer fills ... is it possible to use QIODevice properties some where ..?