View Full Version : Passing event to parent

26th April 2006, 16:23
Hi all,
I have a widget (OpArea) that reimplements QWidget's wheelEvent handler. The parent of this widget is a scrollArea. I need the wheelEvent of OpArea to be called and under certain circumstances (no Alt modifier) the event needs to be propagated to the parent, to scroll the window.

void OpArea::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event)
if(event->modifiers() == Qt::AltModifier)
//handle the event in OpArea
static int theta = 0;
if (event->delta()>=0)
theta= theta +20;
theta = theta -20;

if (theta <0)
theta = 340;
if (theta> 340)
theta = 0;
cout << theta <<endl;
//send to parent's wheelEvent...


I think i should be using QApplication::notify() or maybe postEvent() but I am not sure exactly how.... I would appreciate any ideas, thanks

26th April 2006, 16:37
nevermind, I used event->ignore() to send the event up the chain to the parent.
thanks anyway..