View Full Version : a basic questions!!

28th March 2009, 19:02
Hello everybody,

i installed QT 4.5 on my Mac.
i'm almost new in C++ and i have some basic questions which answers will help me a lot.
Thank you previously!

1.When i start new GUI Application, there are basic files header, main.cpp and the GUI file.
i open the .ui file and create text field , bush button.i set the signal/slot of them.How to relate the code generated in .ui file with main.cpp ?

2.Could you explain me the way to create an application.For example, create new project, than start the .ui or first do somethink in header and .cpp and then .ui ??

28th March 2009, 19:10
1.When i start new GUI Application, there are basic files header, main.cpp and the GUI file.
i open the .ui file and create text field , bush button.i set the signal/slot of them.How to relate the code generated in .ui file with main.cpp ?

Have a look here: Using a Designer .ui File in Your Application (http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/designer-using-a-ui-file.html)

2.Could you explain me the way to create an application.For example, create new project, than start the .ui or first do somethink in header and .cpp and then .ui ??
It doesn't matter where you begin, but as you probably need the GUI elements in your code start with setting up an GUI in the ui-files.
