View Full Version : DBus on windows?

30th March 2009, 07:43

has anyone run dbus on windows? i have Qt commercial version and after installing qt, none of dbus related libraries are build, no dbus dlls or xml convertor. When i tried to build them myself, i found errors related to dbus.h which doesnt come with Qt. So i m wondering if its even usable on windows. Later i downloaded dbus from freedesktop and saw dbus there but by the looks of it, it appears to be runnable on linux only. is that true?

30th March 2009, 10:43
For now Trolltech releases DBus library is only for UNIX flavour machines...

30th March 2009, 11:04
There is Qt with DBus if you use the KDE-Windows installer but there is not Qt-4.5.0 though only 4.4.3

30th March 2009, 11:10
so where can i find this kde-windows installer?

30th March 2009, 11:11
so where can i find this kde-windows installer?
