View Full Version : QFileDialog for choosing filename to save data

1st April 2009, 07:47
Would you please tell me how to append filter text to filename as extension?

Found this solution:

but maybe there is a lighter one for such simple (I hope) operation?

void snapShot::on_actionSave_as_activated()
if ( preview->palette().brush ( backgroundRole() ).texture().isNull() )
QMessageBox::critical ( this,tr ( "Error" ),tr ( "Nothing to save" ),QMessageBox::Ok,0 );

QString fName;
QString frmts;
QFileDialog fd ( this );
fd.setAcceptMode ( QFileDialog::AcceptSave );
fd.setWindowTitle ( tr ( "Save as..." ) );

QStringList filters ( fd.nameFilters() );
filters << tr ( "PNG Images (*.png)" );
filters << tr ( "JPG Images (*.jpg *.jpeg)" );
filters << tr ( "XPM Images (*.xpm)" );
filters << tr ( "All Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.xpm)" );
fd.setNameFilters ( filters );

fd.setDirectory ( WorkDir );
fd.setFileMode ( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
if ( fd.exec() ==QDialog::Accepted )
QStringList files = fd.selectedFiles();
if ( !files.isEmpty() )
fName = files[0];
if ( fName.length() >0 )
if ( saveInFile ( fName ) ) {

if( !QFileInfo(fName).exists() )
setWindowTitle( QFileInfo(fName).absoluteFilePath() + " - " + initWindowTitle);

When the user print "file.jpg" - it's ok, but when he print just "file" and then choose filter ("jpg") - exec() returns "file" without any information about desired extension...

Thanks in advance!

Hiker Hauk
1st April 2009, 08:03
Usually I use this,

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Book"),
tr("Books (*.book);;All Files (*)"));

See your online documentation for the method.

Filter - notice the name "filter" - only affects what you see on the file list.
It has nothing to do with what is returned. This is generic and not specific to Qt.

1st April 2009, 08:46
Thanks for your answer.
Actually I agree with you - filter must only filter, nothing more...
but there was a demand from users, so I solved this issue with the following code, maybe it will be helpful for someone else:

class MyFileDialog : public QFileDialog {
MyFileDialog (QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual ~MyFileDialog();
private slots:
void appendExtension( const QString& filter);

MyFileDialog::MyFileDialog(QWidget *parent): QFileDialog(parent) {
connect(this, SIGNAL(filterSelected( const QString& )), this, SLOT(appendExtension( const QString& )));
void MyFileDialog::appendExtension( const QString& filter)
if (filter.contains("xpm") && !filter.contains("png") ) setDefaultSuffix("xpm");
else if (filter.contains("jpg") && !filter.contains("png") ) setDefaultSuffix("jpg");
qDebug() << defaultSuffix();