View Full Version : question about plotter

6th April 2009, 10:45
By referring to the ebook.. I am now able to plot out the graph.. (untitled1.png)
now my question is how to make the graph become something like (untitled.png)
I want to fill up all the area below the line..

void Plotter::drawCurves(QPainter *painter)
static const QColor colorForIds[6] = {
Qt::red, Qt::green, Qt::blue, Qt::cyan, Qt::magenta, Qt::yellow
PlotSettings settings = zoomStack[curZoom];
QRect rect(Margin, Margin,
width() - 2 * Margin, height() - 2 * Margin);
if (!rect.isValid())
painter->setClipRect(rect.adjusted(+1, +1, -1, -1));
QMapIterator<int, QVector<QPointF> > i(curveMap);
while (i.hasNext())
int id = i.key();
const QVector<QPointF> &data = i.value();
QPolygonF polyline(data.count());
for (int j = 0; j < data.count(); ++j) {
double dx = data[j].x() - settings.minX;
double dy = data[j].y() - settings.minY;
double x = rect.left() + (dx * (rect.width() - 1) / settings.spanX());
double y = rect.bottom() - (dy * (rect.height() - 1) / settings.spanY());
polyline[j] = QPointF(x, y);
painter->setPen(colorForIds[uint(id) % 6]);

I am thinking that the QPainter have any function to fulfill my need or not?