View Full Version : Safety critical systems and qt

8th April 2009, 10:48
Safety critical systems have attracted my attention. I googled around if there is some knowledge about developing these systems and their guis. I couldn't find detailed and compact info. Main question is that "is Qt being used in these kind of systems?".. Does anybody have any experience? If yes, please direct me to the right way :-)

Thanks in advance...

8th April 2009, 13:26
When developping critical systems, the main considerations are planning, risk management, testing and certification scopes etc. These considerations are beyond the scope of a toolkit forum.

Can it be done with Qt? Yes, I've developped and sold critical patient monitoring systems completely written in Qt4.

8th April 2009, 14:11
Ok, i see. Coding standarts , testing etc. are vitally important for these systems. But i am worying if Qt' s internal code is suitable or not for safety critical applications. As i understand you say "ok" for this. I had doubt about this because (as i know) for example opengl has a reduced version called "opengl sc". Perhaps Qt should be revised for sc systems(these are just my assumptions:-) )