View Full Version : Creating Login page

10th April 2009, 08:50

I am new to Qt ..

I am creating Login page ...

If click submit button , it has go to another window or Widget...

So please suggest me ,How do set the submit button according to go to next page....


Yuvaraj R

10th April 2009, 14:49

use the signal and slots to connect to the subwindow or a widget

this in your login window

connect( your_submit_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(you_sub_window_slot())) )

13th April 2009, 11:37
Here is one of such solutions:

1. QDialog has accept() and reject() methods
2. On your LoginDialog you input your credentials and press a button (let it be submitButton) and it emits a SIGNAL called clicked().
3. Create a slot: submitButtonClicked(). Connect a signal clicked() to a slot submitButtonClicked()
4. Inside your slot do your validations for received credentials and if everthing is ok call accept() method, otherwise - reject().

And using it will look like this

YourLoginDialog loginDialog;
if ( QDialog::Accepted == logindDialog.exec() ) {
// access granted, do you work
} else {
// sorry access denied