View Full Version : error when adding signal slot to a QGLWidget based class

11th April 2009, 21:45
I have a QGLWidget based class that worked fine untill I add a signal slot
connection, so I can use a context menu, like the menu example in Qt assitant (only I'm
using it in a QGLWidget instead of the main window).
My class:

#include <QGLWidget>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QObject>

class GLGraph : public QGLWidget
// Q_OBJECT // this line causes the error

virtual void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event);

void createActions();
QAction *newInterpolAct;
private slots:
void newInterpol();

void GLGraph::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)
if (!flag_Interpolation)

QMenu menu(this);

void GLGraph::createActions()
newInterpolAct = new QAction(tr("&New"), this);
// newInterpolAct->setStatusTip(tr("Create a new Interpolation"));
connect(newInterpolAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newInterpolAct()));

void GLGraph::newInterpol()
QMessageBox::about(this,"","nova interpol");


My errors:

D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:9: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:9: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:9: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:9: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:41: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
D:/qt4examples/Matematica/glgraph.cpp:41: undefined reference to `vtable for GLGraph'
:-1: error: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

The error occurs when I use Q_OBJECT in the class declaration. The lines 9 and 41 are
the first bracket lines of the construtor and destructor. If I remove the Q_OBJECT the
program works, the context menus apears but doesnt connect and I get a message in the
Qtcreator compile output window:

Object::connect: No such slot QGLWidget::newInterpolAct() in glgraph.cpp:439

this line is:

connect(newInterpolAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newInterpolAct()));

Any ideas on this error ???????????

11th April 2009, 22:41
Always run qmake after adding the macro to an existing file.

11th April 2009, 23:31
THANK YOU very much :D:D:D:D

Also had other stupid mistake, I had:

connect(newInterpolAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newInterpolAct()));

instead of:

connect(newInterpolAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newInterpol()));

Works fine now !!!!!