View Full Version : How to get real headers in windows?

21st April 2009, 12:12
Hi Folks,

I just recognized that the header files on windows (SDK 4.5 compiled from source) are just re-directions in the src folder:

include/QtGui/qwidget.h just contains another include:

#include "../../src/gui/kernel/qwidget.h"

On Linux the headers in include/ are the real header files so there is no reason to keep the whole src/ directory. So my question is: can I tell nmake or configure.exe to install real headers instead of using this redirection? I do not want to use the complete SDK directory, just public headers and libs in arbitrary locations, no sources.

If there is no configure switch, can I just copy the header files from the Linux SDK to a windows machine? Are there any platform dependent parts within those header files?

Thanks for any hints.

21st April 2009, 12:23

configure.bat -prefix C:\path\to\Qt
and run (n)make install after building Qt.

21st April 2009, 19:15
Thanks a lot, all headers are 'real' now :)

Just for the record: It works if one creates the target directory manually and copies the mkspecs folder into that directory. Otherwise configure.exe will fail.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem when running configure.exe with the -prefix flag?

25th April 2009, 09:00
Yeah I get that problem all the time. No biggy to me.