View Full Version : How to use the Webbrowser example provided by QT??

23rd April 2009, 08:50
Hi all,

I want try the webbrowser example but the folder just contains:
- main.cpp
- webaswidget.h
- mainwindow.ui
- wincemainwindow.ui
- webbrowser.pro

How do I open this project in VS 2005?? And the QT version I using is a free version so didnt have "ActiveQt" lib..

23rd April 2009, 09:16
Hi all,

Any recommended free ebook or website then can provide to me to study about the Qt?

Currently, I am only able to doing graph plotting. And I still not understand the Qt well... :(

From how to compile the Qt lib and how to open the Qt project in VS 2005.

Any useful suggestion? I hope that someone can provide me some reference is more specific on VS 2005...

Thank you very much!!

25th April 2009, 08:50
I suggest reading up on QMake's documentation.