View Full Version : File rename detection

23rd April 2009, 22:27
Hey guys,

I've developped a class using QFileInfo to monitor a very large amount of files / folders.

I didn't use QFileSystemWatcher because of its "file descriptors" limitation.

Basically I have a callback that checks every folders.

It's working pretty good.
I detect File / folder modification, delete, create.

My only issue is when a file gets renamed.
Because the QFileInfo::lastModified() is not updated.

Has anyone got a multi-platform way of detecting file renaming ?


24th April 2009, 07:11
You could compare the file name,,, cant you ???
I dont know how you are checking for changes on file...but if you are storing previous info, you can check name too i guess instead of lastModified

24th April 2009, 14:38
You cannot do that.

Say you keep the QFileInfo of 3 files.
You rename those 3 files.

Your 3 QFileInfo are no longer valid.

How do you know which is which ?

24th April 2009, 15:44
On unix at least, inode numbers remain unchanged after a rename within the filesystem. Otherwise I guess you'll have to keep a hash of the file contents.

24th April 2009, 21:01
I guess we can conclude that:

Multiplatform file renaming detection != trivial.

23rd July 2009, 15:21
Since I had a request,

Here is my fileWatcher implementation.

It uses Pimpl and some custom functions, it won't work out of the box.

qkFileWatcher.h :


#include <qkGlobalHeader.h>

// Qt includes
#include <qobject>
#include <qdateTime>

class qkFileWatcherPrivate;

class qkFileWatcher;

class QKCORE_EXPORT qkFileWatch
public: // Enums
enum FileType
invalidType = 0,

public: // Ctor
qkFileWatch(qkFileWatcher * watcher);
qkFileWatch(const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher);
qkFileWatch(FileType type, const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher);
virtual ~qkFileWatch() {}

public: // Interface
virtual void checkChange();
void refreshDate();

protected: // Functions
void request_fileModified(const QString parentPath, const QString fileName);
void request_filesCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);
void request_filesDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);

void request_folderModified(const QString parentPath, const QString folderName);
void request_foldersCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);
void request_foldersDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);

protected: // Variables
QString mPath;
QString mAbsolutePath;
QString mName;

FileType mType;

QDateTime mLastModified;

qint64 mSize;

qkFileWatcher * mWatcher;

public: // Properties
QString path() const;
QString absolutePath() const;
QString name() const;

bool isValid() const;

bool isFile() const;
bool isDirectory() const;
bool exists() const;

FileType type() const;

class QKCORE_EXPORT qkFolderWatch : public qkFileWatch
public: // Ctor
qkFolderWatch(const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher);

public: // qkFileWatch interface reimplementation
bool contains(const QString & path);
virtual void checkChange();

private: // Functions
void recurseDirectories();
void checkDeleted();

int getFolderIndex_from_path(const QString & path);
int getFileIndex_from_path(const QString & path);

private: // Variables
QList<qkFileWatch> mFileWatchs;
QList<qkFolderWatch> mFolderWatchs;

class QKCORE_EXPORT qkFileWatcher : public QObject, public qkPrivatable
friend class qkFileWatch;
friend class qkFolderWatch;

qkFileWatcher(QObject * parent = 0);
virtual ~qkFileWatcher();

public: // Interface
void addPath(const QString & path);
void removePath(const QString & path);

bool contains(const QString & path);

private slots:
void onCheckForChange();

private: // Functions
void request_folderModified(const QString parentPath, const QString folderName);
void request_foldersCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);
void request_foldersDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);

void request_fileModified(const QString parentPath, const QString fileName);
void request_filesCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);
void request_filesDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);

// Folder
void folderModified(const QString parentPath, const QString folderName);
void foldersCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);
void foldersDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames);

// File
void fileModified(const QString parentPath, const QString fileName);
void filesCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);
void filesDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames);


qkFileWatcher.cpp part1 :

#include "qkFileWatcher.h"

// Qt includes
#include <qtimer>

// qk includes
#include <qkFileController.h>

//================================================== ===========================
// qkFileWatch
//================================================== ===========================

qkFileWatch::qkFileWatch(FileType type, const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher)
QFileInfo info(path);

mWatcher = watcher;

mPath = path;
mAbsolutePath = info.absolutePath();
mName = info.fileName();
mType = type;
mSize = -1;


qkFileWatch::qkFileWatch(const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher)
QFileInfo info(path);

mWatcher = watcher;

mPath = path;
mAbsolutePath = info.absolutePath();
mName = info.fileName();
mType = fileType;
mSize = -1;


qkFileWatch::qkFileWatch(qkFileWatcher * watcher)
mWatcher = watcher;

mType = invalidType;
mSize = -1;


//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatch::request_fileModified(const QString parentPath, const QString fileName)
mWatcher->request_fileModified(parentPath, fileName);

void qkFileWatch::request_filesCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames)
mWatcher->request_filesCreated(parentPath, fileNames);

void qkFileWatch::request_filesDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames)
mWatcher->request_filesDeleted(parentPath, fileNames);

//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatch::request_folderModified(const QString parentPath, const QString folderName)
mWatcher->request_folderModified(parentPath, folderName);

void qkFileWatch::request_foldersCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames)
mWatcher->request_foldersCreated(parentPath, folderNames);

void qkFileWatch::request_foldersDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames)
mWatcher->request_foldersDeleted(parentPath, folderNames);

//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatch::refreshDate()
QFileInfo info(mPath);
if (info.exists() == false)
qkDebug("Deleted %s !", mPath.C_STR);

mSize = -1;
mLastModified = QDateTime();


mSize = info.size();
mLastModified = info.lastModified();

/* virtual */ void qkFileWatch::checkChange()
QDateTime oldModified = mLastModified;
qint64 oldSize = mSize;


// We check both modified date and size for greater precision
if (oldModified < mLastModified || oldSize != mSize)
if (mType == qkFileWatch::folderType)
request_folderModified(mAbsolutePath, mName);
else if (mType == qkFileWatch::fileType)
request_fileModified(mAbsolutePath, mName);

//================================================== ===========================

QString qkFileWatch::path() const { return mPath; }

QString qkFileWatch::absolutePath() const { return mAbsolutePath; }

QString qkFileWatch::name() const { return mName; }

bool qkFileWatch::isValid() const
if (mType == invalidType) return false;
else return true;

bool qkFileWatch::isFile() const
if (mType == fileType) return true;
else return false;

bool qkFileWatch::isDirectory() const
if (mType == folderType) return true;
else return false;

bool qkFileWatch::exists() const
if (mSize == -1) return false;
else return true;

qkFileWatch::FileType qkFileWatch::type() const
return mType;

//================================================== ===========================
// qkFolderWatch
//================================================== ===========================

qkFolderWatch::qkFolderWatch(const QString & path, qkFileWatcher * watcher)
: qkFileWatch(folderType, path, watcher)

//================================================== ===========================

bool qkFolderWatch::contains(const QString & path)
for (int i = 0; i < mFolderWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFolderWatchs[i].path() == path) return true;

for (int i = 0; i < mFileWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFileWatchs[i].path() == path) return true;

return false;

void qkFolderWatch::checkChange()
QDateTime oldModified = mLastModified;


// Checking all sub-directories
for (int i = 0; i < mFolderWatchs.size(); i++)

// Note: on windows we have to check files even if the directory has not changed
for (int i = 0; i < mFileWatchs.size(); i++)

// Checking files only if the directory has been modified
if (oldModified != mLastModified)
// Checking for deleted files

// Recurse for new files

23rd July 2009, 15:22
qkFileWatcher.cpp part2:

//================================================== ===========================

void qkFolderWatch::recurseDirectories()
QDir dir(mPath);
QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
QStringList newFolders;
QStringList newFiles;

foreach (QFileInfo info, list)
if (contains(info.filePath())) continue;
if (info.fileName() == ".." || info.fileName() == ".") continue;
if (info.isHidden()) continue;

if (info.isDir())
qkFolderWatch folder(info.filePath(), mWatcher);

newFolders += info.fileName();
else if (info.isFile())
qkFileWatch file(info.filePath(), mWatcher);

newFiles += info.fileName();

if (newFolders.size())
request_foldersCreated(mPath, newFolders);

if (newFiles.size())
request_filesCreated(mPath, newFiles);

void qkFolderWatch::checkDeleted()
QStringList deletedFolders;
QStringList deletedFiles;

for (int i = 0; i < mFolderWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFolderWatchs[i].exists() == false)
deletedFolders += mFolderWatchs[i].name();

i = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < mFileWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFileWatchs[i].exists() == false)
deletedFiles += mFileWatchs[i].name();

i = -1;

if (deletedFolders.size())
request_foldersDeleted(mPath, deletedFolders);

if (deletedFiles.size())
request_filesDeleted(mPath, deletedFiles);

//================================================== ===========================

int qkFolderWatch::getFolderIndex_from_path(const QString & path)
for (int i = 0; i < mFolderWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFolderWatchs[i].path() == path) return i;
return -1;

int qkFolderWatch::getFileIndex_from_path(const QString & path)
for (int i = 0; i < mFileWatchs.size(); i++)
if (mFileWatchs[i].path() == path) return i;
return -1;

//================================================== ===========================
// Private
//================================================== ===========================

#include <qkGlobalHeader_p.h>

class qkFileWatcherPrivate : public qkPrivate

qkFileWatcherPrivate(qkFileWatcher * p);
void init();

private: // Functions
void addPath(const QString & path);
void removePath(const QString & path);

int getFolderIndex_from_path(const QString & path);
int getFileIndex_from_path(const QString & path);

private: // Variables
QTimer timer;

QList<qkFileWatch> fileWatchs;
QList<qkFolderWatch> folderWatchs;

qkFileWatcherPrivate::qkFileWatcherPrivate(qkFileW atcher * p)
: qkPrivate(p)

void qkFileWatcherPrivate::init()

QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(onCheckForChange()));


//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatcherPrivate::addPath(const QString & path)

QFileInfo info(path);

if (info.isDir())
qkFolderWatch folder(path, q);
qkFileWatch file(path, q);

void qkFileWatcherPrivate::removePath(const QString & path)
int index = getFolderIndex_from_path(path);
if (index != -1) folderWatchs.removeAt(index);

index = getFileIndex_from_path(path);
if (index != -1) fileWatchs.removeAt(index);

//================================================== ===========================

int qkFileWatcherPrivate::getFolderIndex_from_path(con st QString & path)
for (int i = 0; i < folderWatchs.size(); i++)
if (folderWatchs[i].path() == path) return i;
return -1;

int qkFileWatcherPrivate::getFileIndex_from_path(const QString & path)
for (int i = 0; i < fileWatchs.size(); i++)
if (fileWatchs[i].path() == path) return i;
return -1;

//================================================== ===========================
// Ctor / dtor
//================================================== ===========================

qkFileWatcher::qkFileWatcher(QObject * parent)
: QObject(parent), qkPrivatable(new qkFileWatcherPrivate(this))


//================================================== ===========================
// Interface
//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatcher::addPath(const QString & path)

if (contains(path)) return;


void qkFileWatcher::removePath(const QString & path)

if (contains(path) == false) return;


bool qkFileWatcher::contains(const QString & path)

for (int i = 0; i < d->folderWatchs.size(); i++)
if (d->folderWatchs[i].path() == path) return true;

for (int i = 0; i < d->fileWatchs.size(); i++)
if (d->fileWatchs[i].path() == path) return true;

return false;

//================================================== ===========================
// Private slots
//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatcher::onCheckForChange()

QFileInfo info;

for (int i = 0; i < d->fileWatchs.size(); i++)

if (d->fileWatchs[i].exists() == false)
QStringList() << d->fileWatchs[i].name());

i = -1;

for (int i = 0; i < d->folderWatchs.size(); i++)

if (d->folderWatchs[i].exists() == false)
QStringList() << d->folderWatchs[i].name());

i = -1;


//================================================== ===========================
// Private functions
//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatcher::request_folderModified(const QString parentPath, const QString folderName)
qkDebug("Folder modified %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, folderName.C_STR);

emit folderModified(parentPath, folderName);

void qkFileWatcher::request_foldersCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames)
foreach (QString name, folderNames)
qkDebug("Folder created %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, name.C_STR);

emit foldersCreated(parentPath, folderNames);

void qkFileWatcher::request_foldersDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList folderNames)
foreach (QString name, folderNames)
qkDebug("Folder deleted %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, name.C_STR);

emit foldersDeleted(parentPath, folderNames);

//================================================== ===========================

void qkFileWatcher::request_fileModified(const QString parentPath, const QString fileName)
qkDebug("File modified %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, fileName.C_STR);

emit fileModified(parentPath, fileName);

void qkFileWatcher::request_filesCreated(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames)
foreach (QString name, fileNames)
qkDebug("File created %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, name.C_STR);

emit filesCreated(parentPath, fileNames);

void qkFileWatcher::request_filesDeleted(const QString parentPath, const QStringList fileNames)
foreach (QString name, fileNames)
qkDebug("File deleted %s %s", parentPath.C_STR, name.C_STR);

emit filesDeleted(parentPath, fileNames);