View Full Version : How to get normal string instead of abracadabra when use readAllStandardError()?

25th April 2009, 11:16
Hi,everyone! I have some problems with readAllStandardError() and readAllStandardOutput(). If there are latin symbols in output string, there are no problems. But when there must be strings, like "Подпапка или файл C:\WorkDir уже существуют.", I get "ЏÂ®Â¤Ї ЇЄ ЁÂ«Ё д ©« C:\WorkDir 㦥 бгйҐбвўгҐв.". I tried to use setCodecForCStrings with different codecForName - "windows-1251" and others, but there are no results. Is there any way to get "Подпапка или файл C:\WorkDir уже существуют." instead of "ЏÂ®Â¤Ї ЇЄ ЁÂ«Ё д ©« C:\WorkDir 㦥 бгйҐбвўгҐв."? Thanks a lot!

28th April 2009, 14:13
Have you tried QString::fromUtf8() or QString::fromLatin1() or maybe fromLocal8Bit()?