View Full Version : QFile and setTextMode

26th April 2009, 13:19
Hi, guys.

I was just experimenting with QFile and reading a random file line by line and got this question. Here is what i tried

#include <QFile>
#include <QStringList>

#include <QtDebug>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QStringList list;

list << "Makefile";

QList<QString>::const_iterator it;

for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {

QFile file((*it));

if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {

char buf[1024];

while ( 0 < file.readLine(buf, sizeof(buf)) ) {
qDebug() << buf;


} else {
qDebug() << "main> Unable to open file " << (*it);

return 0;

Note that setTextMode is commented.

The i run the program and see the file printed line by line and it is ok.

But, if uncomment setTextMode line, compile this program and run it again i always get this error:

QFile::open: File (Makefile) already open

As far as i know the setTextMode set to true takes care of end-of-line conversion only.

Why does this happen?


26th April 2009, 17:21
Try to avoid setTextModeEnabled() and open the file in a text mode:

if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))

26th April 2009, 17:28
I know that this way works, but it is very interesting to know the reason of that behavior with setTextMode.

27th April 2009, 07:41
I have run your codes on my computer, and I face the same problem.
Good luck!

27th April 2009, 19:37
I suppose you must use QIODevice::setTextModeEnabled on a opened File

28th April 2009, 05:38
if we use QIODevice::setTextModeEnabled on an opened file, the status of the file cannot be shown on the screen. There is no difference between set this true and false.

28th April 2009, 08:37
From Qt Documentation

void QIODevice::setTextModeEnabled ( bool enabled )

If enabled is true, this function sets the Text flag on the device; otherwise the Text flag is removed. This feature is useful for classes that provide custom end-of-line handling on a QIODevice.

seems that you can use the function to customize end of line handling for QIODevice subclass