View Full Version : Adding a new file to moc process in XCode

2nd May 2009, 18:49
I've used qmake to generate an XCode project from a .pro file. This worked perfectly and all the files that needed moc'ing were identified and in XCode they seem to get built before the project does.

Now, however, one of the other files in the project needs moc'ing too as I've had to add the Q_OBJECT macro to the top of the file. However, I can't figure out where abouts in XCode it lists the files to moc or performs the moc'ing process.

The only way I can think of doing it is to generate a brand new .pro and then use qmake to convert it but I'd rather not as I've changed the XCode project quite a bit and don't want to go through setting it all up again. Especially when, in all likely hood, I'll be adding new files which will need moc'ing in the future.

Does anyone know how to do it?