View Full Version : Is there any way to pass default parameters values to any slot?

3rd May 2009, 13:50
Hi all!

Is there any way to pass default parameters values to any slot?

I read over there something baout adding an "=", but doesn't work
connect(ui.actionZoom_1X, SIGNAL(triggered()), d, SLOT(UpdateCameraZoom(=1.0)));

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

3rd May 2009, 13:54
class Foo
public slots:
void UpdateCameraZoom(qreal level = 1.0);

void Foo::UpdateCameraZoom(qreal level)
// ...

connect(ui.actionZoom_1X, SIGNAL(triggered()), d, SLOT(UpdateCameraZoom()));

3rd May 2009, 14:11
Oh my god! I didn't realise I could do that. Works perfectly for me. Thanks

But let's say different default parameters with differente signals calling the same slot. How would you do it?


3rd May 2009, 14:21
But let's say different default parameters with differente signals calling the same slot. How would you do it?

You could use for example QSignalMapper, QObject::sender() or QButtonGroup to map/identify the sender.

3rd May 2009, 18:32
It should be added that the kind of method declaration jpn presented is a feature of C++ and can be used for all kind of methods in C++. No matter if the method is a Qt slot or just a totally normal method of a simple class.