View Full Version : Need help with serialization of QMaps

5th May 2009, 16:58

I try to serialize the member variable QMap <int, QByteArray> in an overloaded operator function, but I get the following compiler errror: no match for 'operator<<' in 'ds << map'

This is my overloaded operator function

QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& ds, const NetShmMessage & msg )
QMap<int, QByteArray> map;
map[1] = QByteArray("one");
map[2] = QByteArray("two");

ds << map;
return ds;

In my main I'm calling

QBuffer tempDevice;
QDataStream stream(&tempDevice);
stream << msgNet;

msgNet is an instance of NetShmMessage wich is holding the map.
If I'm calling stream << map (with previos data definitions) in the main it is working, but not from the overloaded operator. What am I missing?

The overloaded operator is defined as global with friend prefix.

Any help would be really appreciated.

5th May 2009, 17:16
Do you have appropriate includes? QMap, QDataStream..