View Full Version : Disable window menu on a QDialog

12th May 2009, 08:50
How can we remove the window menu in the title bar of a QDialog?

12th May 2009, 09:37
take a look at QTDIR/examples/widgets/windowflags.

12th May 2009, 09:38
in your dialog constuctor use this flag ..
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
: QDialog(parent, Qt::FramelessWindowHint)

12th May 2009, 09:56
This will remove the title bar from the dialog. I need the title bar in dialog. But the window menu is not needed.

15th November 2010, 05:01
I've got same problem. I too want to disable the menu display when right clicked on the title bar of a dialog, If anybody has got any solution please post it.

24th June 2011, 00:58
Same problem here
I was able to install an event filter for right button behavior in the qdialog but it doesn't work when the right button is pressed over the title bar of qdialog..
Can someone help ? Thanks.