View Full Version : Problem: 1 Project Folder on 2 Computers with different paths?

16th May 2009, 12:43

i want to develop my Diploma-Thesis with QT with my Notebook (at the University) and with my (much stronger an faster..) Home-PC @ home.
My intend is to have one working directory (for developing..) which i will simply copy from the Notebook to the home PC. (and vice versa..)
For Testing i did the Textfinder Project from the help section.

The Problem is:
I have different path's to the working directories at my Notebook and at my home PC.
QT seems to remember the whole Path where the build was made.
And for that reason, QT did not find the files..

My question:
I've already changed permissions to: chmod -R -v a+rwx TextFinder, in case of missing rwx -rights to all.
So i am looking for a file (make-file, main project file) to edit the right paths, but did not find it until now...(btw. there ar no paths in the make file?)
Or do i have to do some Project settings in QT

I'm new to QT and have installed QT qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.02.bin under ubuntu Linux 9.04 (Qt Creator 1.1.0,Based on Qt 4.5.1,Built on Apr 22 2009 at 12:20:23, From revision e81e94cb44)



Could not parse /home/yoda/QT/TextFinder/../../../../../../home/user/1_UNI/AstroDiplom/TextFinder/TextFinder.pro. The Qt4 run configuration TextFinder can not be started.
Not a file(0):/home/yoda/QT/TextFinder/../../../../../../home/user/1_UNI/AstroDiplom/TextFinder/TextFinder.pro not readable.
Could not parse /home/yoda/QT/TextFinder/../../../../../../home/user/1_UNI/AstroDiplom/TextFinder/TextFinder.pro. The Qt4 run configuration TextFinder can not be started.

16th May 2009, 15:45
Hi, I also work with my laptop and my desktop computer at home. To avoid the problem when switching, I use a svn repository at my desktop computer. There I store - of course - only the *cpp and *h files, so I just have to sync and all works well because every machine has it owns make and object files... May this is also a solution for you.

19th May 2009, 21:59
Hi Lykurg,
thanx 4 the tipp, I have some kind of subersion @ ubuntu 9.04
I'll take a look at it. But i'm not quite sure if that will work fo me.
But thanks 4 the hint :)

greetz A.

19th May 2009, 22:47
Did you run qmake before running make? Also make sure you "make distclean" your project before moving it to another machine.

20th May 2009, 08:01
Mmmh - but there was a versioning system which did not need a repository. Mercurial. Or even git (?). If a server matters...

Why don't you use environment vars as they (=trolltech) did with qt3? $MYSRC or something like that. Works perfect for me on all platforms.

10th September 2009, 16:27
Problem is (partly) solved,

i've bought a new stronger laptop which has enough memory, etc.. and i'm developing now on only one pc. Maybe i'll try this thing sometimes again.

thanx to all!

10th September 2009, 20:56
For subversion you can use this: http://www.xp-dev.com/
You can create a personal private repository. I use this for my thesis.

10th September 2009, 21:21
Even if you only develop on one PC version control is a smart thing to do. Use subversion, git, perforce, mercurial, whatever you like to do it, but do it.