View Full Version : How to use custom widget editor with QItemDelegate

20th May 2009, 13:28

In my project, i need to populate a ListView with different item. Those items can have différent nature, and need a custom widget for drawing and editing.

I have build a custom widget (Widget_CarteFille_Gpio) with QDesigner (1 layout, 2 label, 2 combo-box)

Widget_CarteFille_Gpio::Widget_CarteFille_Gpio (QWidget *parent) :
QWidget (parent)
setupUi (this);

Next, i try to subclass a QItemDelegate who build my new widget for the editing.

QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
Widget_CarteFille_Gpio *editor = new Widget_CarteFille_Gpio (parent);
return editor;

I build the project, and exec the application !
When I double click on the item my widget is not show !

I read this exemple : http://doc.qtsoftware.com/4.5/itemviews-stardelegate.html but they draw directly on a widget, this is little different of my problem.

If someone have a code exemple about draw a custom widget for viewing/editing in a ListView. I was very interresting.

Apologize for my English !

20th May 2009, 18:06
subclass QStyledItemDelegate instead of QItemDelegate..also you should read about QItemEditorCreator, QItemEditorCreatorBase and QItemEditorFactory..this will give you more knowledge about editors and you'd be able to solve problem yourself

20th May 2009, 18:20
Thanks, i will read ;)