View Full Version : Definitive serial library

Marco Trapanese
22nd May 2009, 10:26

I apologize if my English is not so good.
I use QT4 to develop applications for Windows and Linux, in both desktop and embedded environments.

I need use a lot of serial connections (often I have 4-5 serial devices connected) so I'm looking for a *reliable* and complete serial library. I don't understand why QT4 doesn't support serial communication natively, I think they are used a lot in embedded applications.

Anyway, I'm playing with the Qextserial but it seems to me a bit buggy and it has many limitations.

Please, may you suggest me a complete serial library that:

* works under Windows and Linux,
* uses signals to tell when data is ready to be read (with buffer thresholds)
* has a working lineread() method
* enumerates available ports under both Windows and Linux

I'm asking too much? What do you embedded programmers use?


Marco Trapanese

22nd May 2009, 12:46
See this topic:

Try the library.
Add to the library all that you want.


PS: but there is a bug.

Example download: http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3286&d=1242923390

22nd May 2009, 21:55
Marco Trapanese asks for signal when there is data available. In your code there isn't this features.

See this topic: http://www.qtcentre.org/forum/f-qt-programming-2/t-qextserialport-with-qtimer-approch-for-reading-21063.html

In the last post there is my class that use QextSerialPort. It implements 2 thread with the signal "dataReceived": it transports the byte available at the serial port. I also made a basic HyperTerminal to test it (It shows ad transmits data in Hexadecimal).

* has a working lineread() method

I don't implement this method: you can add this!

* enumerates available ports under both Windows and Linux

I don't know how to implement this features. In Linux I think I can scan for ttyS* file in /dev/ and maybe also ttyUSB*. I windows I don't know.


23rd May 2009, 17:56
I add this method to query available ports name, on both Windows and GNU\Linux

#ifdef _TTY_POSIX_
#include <QDir>

const int MAX_COM_PORT = 20;

// Query available SerialPort name
QStringList MySerialPort::availablePortsName()
QextSerialPort testPort;

QStringList portsName;
QString testPortName;

#ifdef _TTY_WIN_
for (i=1; i<MAX_COM_PORT; i++)
testPortName = QString("COM%1").arg(i)
if (testPort.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))

#else // _TTY_POSIX_
QDir dir("/dev");
QStringList filters;
filters << "ttyS*" << "ttyUSB*";
dir.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::System);
QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
for (int i=0; i< list.size(); i++)
portsName.append(list.at(i).canonicalFilePath ());

return portsName;

Marco Trapanese
24th May 2009, 09:13
Thank you very much PaceyIV, I'll play with you class!
It's a pity that QT4 doesn't have a built-in serial class, I can't understand why.

In this way, everybody should reinvent the wheel... And there are many people (like me) who aren't so skilled to implement the library themselves.


24th May 2009, 10:49
There is a big chance a serial class from Qt Extended will make it into desktop Qt.


25th May 2009, 16:01
I use the code at http://www.teuniz.net/RS-232/

It does not use signals but it does work with Linux and windows.